I would have never imagined having so many thoughts of uncertainty about starting this blog. I find myself questioning my decision to jump out here and just go for it. And the thoughts – they are flooding in.
It’s like a roller coaster ride. One minute I’m amped up that I’m finally making it happen. The next minute, I’m questioning if I am taking the right approach with the blog.
My current blogging schedule is to publish 2 posts a week. One on Monday morning, and the other on Thursday morning. Here it is Monday night, and I’m finally getting around to typing up this post.
Is This Normal?
As much as I don’t like the thought of this, it is. It’s actually perfectly normal. I have heard other entrepreneurs explain how they have found themselves feeling paralyzed at times during their journey. You would think that knowing this is a normal thing would make it little easier. I’ve noticed that’s no walk in the park fighting through the negative thoughts.
And the thoughts won’t stop until you choose to stop listening – and that’s easier said than done. If you’re not careful you will find yourself feeling defeated if you don’t address your thinking. Let me share with you how I go about overcoming the doubt to get things done.
How to Overcome the Doubt
I have listed four mental steps to walkthrough to help you shake the doubt:
Trust your judgment. Trust yourself after you have done all the necessary preparation. There comes a time where you have to let the rubber meet the road and see what happens. If you felt good about the direction at the start, chances are you’ll be just fine.
Embrace the uncertainty. Realize the source of the doubt is rooted in the fact that nothing is guaranteed. Waking up every morning is included in that nothing, but you don’t find yourself doubting that every night. Focus on the things you can control and disregard the rest.
Stay positive. Focus on the positive “what-if” scenarios. Avoid entertaining negative thoughts like the plague. They only make things worse.
- Keep putting one foot in front of the other. I know that achieving success in anything, is not an overnight thing (even though TV makes it appear otherwise). True success is built by consistently doing what’s necessary every day to push you one step closer to your goal.
Dust Yourself Off
I’m overly critical of myself at times when I don’t meet the expectations I’ve set for myself. I feel like kicking myself when I’m not on track with the tasks I’ve set for myself. When you find yourself in this place, make the decision not to stay there long. Dust yourself off, and get back in the game. What’s the worst that could happen – you might actually succeed.
My Question for You:
When was the last time you felt doubt trying to creep in and cause you consider throwing in the towel? Share how you overcome the doubt and found the strength to keep pushing forward in the comments below.